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Its been a week since I’ve posted so I thought I would share some photos from today’s 365 🙂


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You are almost 5. You are smarter than you know and it amazes me everyday. You are sensitive, generous, kind and honest. You make me smile every morning when you crawl into bed with me to tell me the sun is out and its time for school (usually a few hours early) and then you […]

You. | Denver, CO Photographer

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Labor day weekend is a hard weekend for my family. So we spent a lot of it keeping our minds busy. On Saturday we spent the day out at Thunderbird Lake and had an awesome time. I shot some film as well, so I’ll make sure to post those when I get them 🙂 Here […]

Labor Day | My Own

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I’m currently in the middle of my Project|365 (you can take a peek at it here). I am going to be randomly posting images from it…they will more than likely be images of my boys but today I actually have a subject besides them 🙂 A set of pears! Nothing like a subject who doesn’t […]

from the 365


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